About the Journal
Publisher: Hawler Medical University
Journal name: Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci)
Disciplines: Clinical and basic medical sciences
ISSN: eISSN: 1995-5596, pISSN: 1995-5588
DOI: 10.15218/zjms
Description: Peer-reviewed, open access
Frequency: Three times per year in both hard and electronic copies
Current Issue

Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci) is published by Hawler Medical University. Zanco J Med Sci is a peer-reviewed, open access journal with eISSN: 1995-5596, pISSN:1995-5588 and DOI: 10.15218/zjms. The journal is published three times per year in both hard and electronic copies.
Original Articles
Scope and Essential criteria
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci) is the scientific journal of Hawler Medical University. Zanco J Med Sci is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. Zanco J Med Sci aims to publish peer-reviewed and original scientific research of Iraqi, regional and international interest. Submissions of manuscripts in the clinical and basic medical sciences come within the scope of its publication. Original articles, review articles, case reports, brief communications, insights, and letters to the editor are all considered.