The role of FNA cytology of the testis in management of male infertility (in Iraq)
Azospermia, fine needle cytology, reproduction, spermatogenesisAbstract
Background and objectives: Fine needle aspiration cytology of the testis is now well recognized in diagnosis of testicular diseases. Recently it has also gained popularity for its diagnostic and therapeutic role in male infertility. The purpose of this article is to put light on role of testicular fine needle testicular cytology in male infertility and provide brief information on method of testicular fine needle aspiration interpretation of testicular fine needle aspiration cytology for evaluation of spermatogenesis, its advantages, limitations and complications as compared to testicular biopsy, moreover to its coincidence with hormonal situation of the patient for diagnosis.
Methods: This is a prospective study for sample collection during the period from January 2009-Dec 2010. The samples studied included 152 patients underwent FNA of testis for evaluation of spermatogenesis , spermiogenesis & the presence of active mature sperms in addition to hormonal assay for FSH, LH, testosterone and prolactine correlating with clinical findings
Results: : The majority of cases of infertility were due to secondary maturation arrest (94 cases 61.84%) (P=0.03) followed by obstructive orchiopathy (38case 25%) & then the minority of cases were due to untreatable conditions including primary maturation arrest & total testicular atrophy
Conclusion: FNAC is the dependent method of Azospermic patient evaluation despite of the presence of controversial ideas depending on that the FNAC size is not a suitable window to be able to represent whole testis in evaluation of azospermia.
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