Transvesical open prostatectomy versus transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, Iraq: A retrospective study


  • Wishyar Al Bazzaz Department of Urology, Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Ministry of Health, Erbil, Iraq.



Benign, Prostatic hyper plasia, Prostatectomy, Transurethral


Background and Objective: Surgical treatment is an effective option for symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), after failed conservative therapy. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is considered as a standard treatment method for the management of the small to medium prostate while transvesical open prostatectomy (OP) is a standard option for great prostate. The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of both (B-TURP) and (OP).

Methods: The present study included 73 patients underwent either transvesical open prostatectomy (31 patients) or bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (42 patients) between May 2019 to May 2021, in Erbil-city. The baseline characteristics, intraoperative and postoperative characteristics plus early and late adverse effects were obtained from medical records for all patients in both groups, retrospectively. The data analyzed and compared statistically.

Results: The baseline characteristics in the studied groups showed no significant differences except for the prostate size which was more on the OP group. According to the results, operative time was significantly (P <0.001) lower in the OP group. The means of the following variables in the OP group were significantly higher than those of the B-TURP group: Hospitalization days (P <0.001), days of catheter removal, back to normal activity (P <0.001), QoL score (P = 0.027), Qmax (P < 0.001), and PVR (P = 0.046), while no significant difference was detected regarding IPSS (P = 0.404).

Conclusion: B-TURP was superior to OP regarding the hospitalization days, recovery time back to normal day-activity, and quality of life. Otherwise, both mentioned approaches work well for the treating symptomatic BPH.


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How to Cite

Al Bazzaz, W. (2024). Transvesical open prostatectomy versus transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, Iraq: A retrospective study . Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 28(2), 274–281.



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