Formulation and evaluation of melatonin as fast dissolving oral strips using combined polymers


  • Muhannad Omer Taher Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Huner Kamal Gardy Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq



Fast dissolving oral films FDOF, Hypromellose, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, Melatonin


Background and objective: Fast-dissolving oral thin film (FDOF) is a novel and most advanced form of solid dosage form that dissolves or disintegrates in 1 minute when put in the mouth without water or chewing. Pre-gastric absorption of FODFs from the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus as saliva flows down into the stomach would improve the therapeutic benefit of the drug as oral films disintegrated in the mouth. The study is designed and purposed to use most water soluble, best type and concentration of polymers to be selected for use in combination to formulate melatonin oral thin films. Different types of synthetic water soluble polymers were utilized the preparation of films (hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose HPMC15M, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose NACMC).

Methods: Solvent casting method was performed for preparation of twelve placebo films at the beginning, to obtain and select suitable polymer type and concentration for use in combination to be formulated for drug loading. The films were evaluated for their characteristics like mechanical properties (thickness and folding endurance), surface pH and disintegration time. Percentage of release and assay of melatonin was taken. Comparison studies were performed on melatonin films from this study with melatonin oral disintegrating tablets release profiles. Best batch could be selected. Drug-excipient compatibility carried out as pre formulation study to see whether there is interaction between the drug and excipients used.

Results: Results from FT-IR showed no interaction between melatonin and polymers used, the prepared formulations were clear, transparent, non-sticky and easily removed from the plate surface with the thickness ranging from (0.04-0.07) mm depending on the polymer concentration. The times required for the films to disintegrate was ranging from 21-26 seconds, and the majority of melatonin was released within first 2 minutes within the dosage form.

Conclusion: Melatonin can be formulated as fast dissolving oral films using combination of water-soluble polymers by solvent casting method to obtain ease of administration without using water during administration, fast onset of action resulted from rapid disintegration.


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How to Cite

Omer Taher, . M. ., & Kamal Gardy, H. . (2024). Formulation and evaluation of melatonin as fast dissolving oral strips using combined polymers . Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 28(2), 301–314.



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