Intra-ovarian Doppler artery indices values in cases with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case control study


  • Parween Omar Hassan Department of Radiology, Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Ministry of Health, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Aska Faruq Jamal Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq



PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), RI (Resistive Index), PI (Pulsatility Index), S/D (Systolic/Diastolic) ratio


Background and objective: polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common female endocrine disorder during their reproductive age which results in hyperandrogenism and anovulation or oligo-ovulation. Significant changes occur in ovarian vascularization at the level of the intra ovarian arteries in PCOS patients. The objective is to assess Doppler hemodynamic changes in ovarian stromal arteries in follicular phase of the cycle in both ovaries in women with PCOS compared to normal ovulatory fertile women (control) using transvaginal Color Doppler technique, by calculating intra ovarian Doppler artery indices values: Resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) of both ovaries.

Methods: Two hundred women were included in the study. One hundred patients were diagnosed as PCOS (cases) according to Rotterdam’s criteria and another one hundred were normal fertile women (controls).

Transvaginal color Doppler technique is used in examining the recruited cases and controls, Doppler indices values of intraovarian stromal arteries were measured.

Results: in the current study, the RI and PI of the ovarian stromal artery were lower in women with PCOS (cases) compared to controls. These hemodynamic changes are a predictor for the diagnosis of PCOS.

Conclusion: Doppler ultrasonography was a successful tool in assessing the hemodynamic changes in PCOS women.


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How to Cite

Omar Hassan, P., & Faruq Jamal, A. . (2024). Intra-ovarian Doppler artery indices values in cases with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case control study . Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 28(2), 223–234.



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