Evaluation of thyroid hormones in type 1 diabetes mellitus


  • Amna Abdullah Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Cillege of Health Sceinces, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Sardar N. Ahmed Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.




Thyroid hormones (T3 andT4), TSH, Type 1 diabetes mellitus


Background and objective: Increased blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) and lack of insulin are a hallmark of Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), which is a chronic autoimmune illness results from the destruction of pancreatic beta –cells. The most common causes of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are autoimmune diseases Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves’ disease, respectively. Because type 1 diabetes includes autoimmunity as a pathophysiological trigger, it is not uncommon to investigate patients with both diabetes and thyroid problems. The aim of the study is to evaluate serum thyroid hormones in patients with type1 diabetes mellitus.

Methods: In this study 104 participants were included, 52 patients with type1 diabetes, and 52 healthy individuals. Blood samples were taken, and serum thyroid hormones levels were measured and the results of cases and controls were analyzed and compared using SPSS program.

Results: It was found that the levels of T4 among non- diabetic participants were higher than those of diabetic patients. (P <0.001). There is a negative correlation between BMI and fasting blood glucose in T1 diabetic patients according to regression test it has been shown that any increase in the FBG leads to decrease in the BMI.

Conclusion: The present study shows that type 1 diabetes mellitus may affect thyroid gland and thyroid hormone levels, that may result in thyroid dysfunction.


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How to Cite

Abdullah, A., & N. Ahmed, S. . (2024). Evaluation of thyroid hormones in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 28(2), 158–163. https://doi.org/10.15218/zjms.2024.16



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