Relationship between body mass index, endometrial thickness and histopathological diagnosis in women with post-menopausal bleeding


  • Dastan Abdullah Salih Maternity Teaching Hospital, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Ghada Alsakkal Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.



BMI, Endometrial Thickness, PMB, TVS


Background and objective: Obesity is a worldwide epidemic and a public health concern. It is one of the most significant alterations occurring in the menopause. It is closely related to the development of endometrial bleeding, increase endometrial thickness and endometrial cancer. The main objectives of this study were to demonstrate the independent effects of obesity and its relationship with endometrial thickness and histopathological outcome in women experiencing vaginal bleeding after menopause.

Methods: The study included hundred women who were experiencing postmenopausal bleeding included in this study. Their obesity was calculated by BMI. Biopsy taken from them either through a Pipelle sampler as an outpatient, or hysteroscopy under general anesthesia, or with dilatation and curettage under general anesthesia for histopathology examination to decide endometrial thickness and related pathology.

Results: The mean age of the studied women was 57.2 ± 6.4 years, which ranged between48 – 83 years. The mean endometrial thickness (ET) of the whole sample was 10.64 mm. The highest was 13.36 mm among obese women with a BMI of ≥ 35 Kg/m2. There was a significant correlation between BMI and endometrial thickness. endometrial polyps were detected in 50% women who had normal weight. The highest mean of ET (13.95 mm) was detected among women with endometrial carcinoma. There was no any significant relationship between age of menopause with the histopathological diagnosis. The highest rate of endometrial carcinoma was detected among obese women of ≥ 35 Kg/m2.

Conclusion: According to the current study, obesity increases the risk of endometrial cancer and endometrial hyperplasia in postmenopausal women.


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How to Cite

Abdullah Salih, . D. ., & Alsakkal, G. . (2024). Relationship between body mass index, endometrial thickness and histopathological diagnosis in women with post-menopausal bleeding . Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 28(2), 178–184.



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