Characteristics and outcome of road traffic accidents in Erbil: A prospective hospital-based study
A prospective hospital-based study
Road, Accidents, Study, Victims, Traffic, IraqAbstract
Background and objective: Internationally, the eighth leading cause of death among young males is attributed to road accidents, as yearly a million and three-quarters of people die which became a series public of health concerns in developing countries. This study aimed at determining the pattern and outcomes of hospitalized road traffic accidents in Erbil city.
Methods: This prospective hospital-based study was conducted from March 2020 to February 2021, at RozhHalat and RozhAwa Emergency governmental hospitals in Erbil, Iraq. Data was collected for one complete year and the admitted cases in the year had been included. Which was composed of 2225 road traffic accident victims. A specially designed questionnaire was used to collect the data using direct face-to-face interviews.
Results: 2225 victims were obtained in both Emergency hospitals 1835 (82.5%) of them were males, 390 (17.5%) were females, and the mean age±SD was (24.7±15.1) years old. The death rate from road traffic accidents was 250 (18%). Nearly one-third of 689 (31%) of victims were at aged (20-29), the highest pattern rate of 1221 (54.9%) was among drivers, and on motorcycles 883 (39.7%) had the highest reported victims rate, occurred at rush hours (5-7 pm). During Summer season 681 (30.6%), at daylights 1608 (72.3%). With P <0.001, a significant association was reported between back injuries, speeding, pedestrians, alcoholics, seatbelts/helmets, rapidity, and night shift of street accidents and the outcomes.
Conclusion: Human behavior is significantly related to the high incidence of road injuries and deaths. Road accidents have resulted in a major public health problem. A new strategy to reduce the incidence of this problem is essential.
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