Women's expectations of health care providers in the labor and delivery room in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
MCH, Childbirth, Expectation, Behavior, Communication, Health care providerAbstract
Background and objective: The World Health Organization recognizes the importance of positive childbirth experience. In Iraq, patient satisfaction during maternity care visits is not routinely collected. This study was aimed to find out the women’s expectation during labor from physicians and midwives and associated factors such as socio-demographic and obstetrical characteristics.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Erbil city, located in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. A total of 1,500 women were targeted while they were accompanying another person, including children, to receive health services in Erbil and eventually 1,196 participated in the study. Data were collected through direct interviews after receiving informed oral consent. Participants were asked to describe their expectations for childbirth using an open-ended question. Responses were then grouped and categorized into 20 expectation items based on overlapping themes. Chi-square tests were used to identify associations with key socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics.
Results: Level of expectation was significantly associated with education (illiterate and high education, P = 0.028),residency (suburban, P = 0.003), parity (grand multipara, P = 0.001), satisfaction with care (those satisfied, P <0.001), and satisfaction with provider communication (those satisfied, P <0.001). This study found that positive and calming verbal and non-verbal expressions, environmental control, encouragement of different positions and mobilization, hygiene, promotion of urinary elimination, and instruction on breathing and relaxation are highly expected by parturient women.
Conclusion: Understanding women’s expectations in the delivery room is critical to health care providers in order to make appropriate care plan and support women to have a positive birth experience and to meet expectations.
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