The Prevalence of diabetic optic neuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Background diabetic retinopathy, Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, primary open angle glaucoma, Anterior ischemic optic neuropathyAbstract
Background and objective: As diabetes mellitus a common health problem, it is well known that it can lead to optic neuropathy that affects the optic nerve functions. It is important to monitor the effect of this metabolic disease on the optic nerve that can lead ultimately to decrease visual acuity that can be irreversible. This study aimed to find out the prevalence of diabetic optic nerve diseases and to evaluate the patient characteristics and fundus findings.
Methods: Screening examination was done for 2213 patients with type 2 diabetic patients presented to the diabetic center from October 2007 to September 2009. The examination includes visual acuity test using conventional E chart, slit lamp exam, followed by installing short acting Mydriatics (tropicamide 1%) eye drops for fundoscopy examination using +76.D or +90 D.
Results: Eighty eight patients (approximately 4%) had optic nerve problems; 50 females and 38 males. The mean age was 59 years. A total of 58 (116 eyes) patients were bilaterally affected, 42 patients with optic papillopathy, 8 patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy and profound loss of vision, 8 with glaucomatous cupping and pallor and 30 patients with end stage optic atrophy. A total of 63 (71.5%) patients had poor metabolic control.
Conclusions: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have 4% prevalence of diabetic optic neuropathy.
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