Suicidal ideation among a group of depressed outpatients
Suicidal ideation, Depression, Risk factorsAbstract
Background and objective: Suicide is a common problem worldwide; the suicidal ideation is a predictor of suicide. This study aimed to shed light on the demographic as well as clinical risk factors for suicidal ideation among depressed outpatients.
Methods: A total of 100 depressed patients who visited the psychiatric outpatient department of Hawler Teaching Hospital from August 2015 to January 2016 were assessed for the suicidal ideation and risk factors of suicidal ideation by adopting standardized diagnostic and symptoms rating scales.
Results: Suicidal ideation was present in 64% of patients; significant predictors for suicidal ideations were previous suicide attempt, the severity of depression and hopelessness.
Conclusion: Suicidal ideation is highly prevalent among psychiatric outpatients with major depression. Those patients discovered to have risk factors are in great need of help to prevent future suicide.
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