Antibacterial and anti-ulcerogenic effects of Punicagranatum peel extract against ethanol-induced acute gastric lesion in rats
Punicagranatum, TGF β1, Anti-ulcer, EsomeprazoleAbstract
Background and objectives: Punicagranatum (pomegranate) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small tree from the family Lythraceae. It has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region. Different parts of it have been used for research, such as fruits, peels, and juice. This study aimed to investigate the antibacterial and anti-ulcer effect of Punicagranatum peel extract and to screen the expression of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) in rat’s blood serum after stomach ulcer was induced by ethanol.
Methods: Twenty four rats were divided randomly into 4 groups; GroupI(ulcer positive group) rats were (experimental) orally administered 5 ml/kg sterilized distilled water (the vehicle). Group II (ulcer negative group) rats were orally administered 5 ml/kg of 20 mg/kg esomeprazole. Groups III and groups IV were orally administered 5 ml/kg of 250 and 500 mg/kg of Punicagranatum plant extract, respectively.
Results: Data showed an antibacterial activity of Punicagranatum peel extract against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and the best antibiotic in which both bacteria were sensitive to was norfloxacin(10 µg). Treatment with Punicagranatum peel extract and esomeprazole had protective effects on stomach gastric mucosa, which indicate an anti-ulcer effect confirmed by the high levels of TGFβ1 in serum.
Conclusion: We conclude that Punicagranatum peel extract exhibit antibacterial effect and possess a protective role against ethanol induced gastric ulcer in rats.
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