The outcome of stapedotomy in adult patients with clinical otosclerosis in Erbil
Hearing loss, ; Otosclerosis, Stapes surgeryAbstract
Background and objective: Otosclerosis is a primary disease of the temporal bone that leads to stapes fixation. Hearing loss and tinnitus are the main symptoms. Treatment includes surgery, medical treatment, and sound amplification therapy alone or in combination. This study aimed to evaluate the functional outcomes of patients with clinical diagnosis of otosclerosis undergoing primary stapes surgery in Erbil city.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive study. A total of 32 patients with clinical otosclerosis underwent unilateral stapedotomy in the specialized center between September 2011 and September 2013. These included 20 females and 12 males, aged 21 to 48 years, their mean age (±SD) was 31.9 (±10.91) years.
Results: The average preoperative and postoperative air conduction threshold was 51.13 and 23.91 dB, respectively. The mean preoperative and postoperative bone conduction threshold was 21.53 and 16.21dB, respectively. The average preoperative and postoperative air-bone gap was 29.03 and 8.51 dB, respectively. All 32 ears (100%) had a residual air-bone gap <10 dB.
Conclusion: Stapes surgery showed significant functional hearing outcomes in this study. The very significant reduction in the air-bone gap is a good indicator of the success of the surgery.
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