Risk Factors for Acute Perforated Duodenal Ulcers in Erbil Governorate-Kurdistan, Iraq
peptic ulcer perforated duodenal Ulcer, risk factorsAbstract
Background and objective: Acute perforations of duodenal ulcers continue as one of the real emergencies of surgery which require immediate attention and prompt operation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the probable risk factors for perforation of duodenal ulcer, highlighting any prevalent one in the occurrence of perforation in Erbil governorate. Design: Retrospective study. The cases were selected on the basis of structured protocol. Setting: The study was performed on 124 patients with perforated duodenal ulcer attending the emergency departments of the three major hospitals in Erbil city (Erbil emergency hospital, Hawler teaching hospital and Hawler private hospital) Erbil governorate located in Iraqi Kurdistan over a period of 4 years.
Methods: The study was performed on 124 patients with perforated duodenal ulcer over a four year period (Jun. 2000- Jun. 2004). A number of probable risk factors for perforation of the duodenal ulcer were studied. Asymptomatic patients who perforated were studied as a separate group.
Results: one hundred twenty four patients with duodenal ulcer perforation were studied, 111 male and 13 female (male to female ratio 8.5:1) about 60% of patients were within their 4th and 5th decade of age. Patients residing in the rural areas had a lower incidence of perforation (39%) than that living in the urban areas (61%). seventy four patients (59.6%) were asymptomatic before they developed the perforation. Sixty six patients (53.2% of the total number) developed the perforation during Ramadan fasting months (four out of the total 48 months), sixty five percent of the cases were smokers. Stress and smoking played a significant rule in the occurrence of perforation in 83% of cases.
Conclusion: Stress, smoking and fasting played a major rule as a risk factor in the occurrence of duodenal ulcer perforation. A high incidence of perforation occurs during the months of Ramadan fasting, especially those without or on irregular treatment. The incidence of asymptomatic patients who were fasting and under stress, who then perforated was high.
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