Pattern of mandibular third molar impaction in patients attended the Hawler College of Dentistry: a retrospective radiographic study
Mandibular third molar, impaction, orthopantomogramAbstract
Background and objective: The aim of this study was to assess radiographically the angulations and depth of impacted mandibular third molars.
Methods: In a retrospective study 163 impacted mandibular third molars of 100 patients were examined on orthopantomograms (OPT) in the College of Dentistry/ Hawler Medical University during 2008. From these orthopantomograms the angulations (mesioangular, distoangular, vertical, and horizontal) and the depth (types A, B, and C) of the impacted mandibular third molars were recorded. The frequencies of unilateral and bilateral impaction were also recorded.
Results: The average age of the patients was 26.5 + 5 ranging from 20-40 years with a median of 25 years. Fifty eight (58%) of the cases were female and 42 (42%) were male. The frequency of mesioangular, distoangular, vertical and horizontal impactions were 73 (44.8%), 37 (22.6%), 28 (17.2%), and 25(15.4%) successively. The depths of the impactions were 45 (27.6%) depth A, 74 (45.4%) depth B, and 44 (27%) depth C.The frequency of unilateral impaction was 26 (26%) and that of bilateral impaction was 74 (74%).
Conclusion: Impacted mandibular third molars are more common in female. Mesioangular impaction is more common followed by distoangular. Depth B most common and most of the patients have bilateral impaction.
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