Metabolic Syndrome and Serum Leptin Levels in Erbil Population


  • Sanaa G. Hama AL-Mandalawi Department of clinical analysis –College of Pharmacy-Hawler medical university
  • Ava T. Ismail Department of clinical analysis –College of Pharmacy-Hawler medical university
  • Shatha R. Mustaffa Department of clinical analysis –College of Pharmacy-Hawler medical university



Leptin, Metabolic syndrome, body mass index


Background and objective: Metabolic syndrome is a potent risk factor for cardiovascu-lar diseases (CVDs), has not been adequately explored in Erbil individuals and its relation to leptin hormone. The present study aim to evaluate such a relationship between serum leptin and metabolic syndrome in Erbil individuals.

Methods: Samples collection were carried out in Razgary teaching hospital, 45 cases with metabolic syndrome and 30 healthy control subjects, anthropometric variables measure-ments (blood pressure, body weight, body height, body mass index) and biochemical tests: fasting, serum glucose, serum triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and serum leptin were obtained from the study samples.

Results: Serum leptin levels were significantly higher in females in comparison to the males in metabolic syndromes group (with median 53.6 Vs 23.8 ng/dl with P value < 0.05) with also present statistical significant difference in leptin between metabolic syndrome group and control group in both males and females. No important association between se-rum leptin and each of selected criteria of metabolic syndrome. The observed case-control difference in serum leptin is mainly attributed to gender and body mass index (BMI) differ-ences and not a function of metabolic syndrome itself.

Conclusion: Among subjects with metabolic syndrome, only age , gender and body mass index were important in determining the magnitude of serum leptin among cases groups.


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How to Cite

AL-Mandalawi, S. G. H., Ismail, A. T., & Mustaffa, S. R. (2010). Metabolic Syndrome and Serum Leptin Levels in Erbil Population. Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 14(2), 76_84.



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