Some important comparative parameters between Patients with Chronic Renal Failure and Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy in Erbil
Chronic renal failure, Diabetic nephropathy, lipid profile, Total proteinAbstract
Background and objective: Patients with chronic renal failure and diabetic nephropathy reveals biochemical changes .This study aim to investigate the differences of some impor-tant biochemical changes in these two groups of patients in comparison with normal con-trols.
Methods: (80) patients were selected with different Renal disease complications. A control group of (30) healthy,18 males and 12 females were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups the first group with chronic renal failure, include (40) patients,(25) male and (15) female ; the second group with diabetic –nephropathy , include ( 40) pa-tients,(25) male, and (15) female. Determination of the biochemical compound level as creatinine ,urea ,uric acid ,total protein (T.P) , albumin ,total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride(TG), low density lipo-protein (LDH-c) ,high density lipoprotein (HDL-c) , and LDL-c/HDL-c ratio.
Results: Patients with chronic renal failure showed increasing levels of (creatinine, urea, -uric acid ) in their serum, and lower levels of (total protein, albumin). Mild increase in lev-els of (TC, LDL-c), while great increased level of triglyceride were recorded, also a great decline in the level of HDL-c was found, which indicate a high risk factor and moderate in-crease in (LDL-c/HDL-c) ratio .Patients with diabetic nephropathy showed slight increase in the levels of (creatinine, urea, uric acid ), however still lower than that in chronic renal fail-ure group. Also they showed decreased levels of (total protein, albumin) ,but still lower than in chronic renal failure and Increased level of ( TC,TG, LDL-C, LDL-c/HDL-c) which were greater than the increase in chronic renal failure .Also decrease in the level of HDL-c, but still less than that in chronic renal failure.
Conclusion: Patients with chronic renal failure or with diabetic nephropathy showed sig-nificant increase in the levels of creatinine, urea, and uric acid; and decreased levels of al-bumin and total protein. Both group of patients showed variation in their cholesterol, LDL-c, triglyceride, and LDL/HDL-c ratio.
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