Effect of some antimicrobial agents on isolated bacteria from patients with urinary tract infection in Kurdistan Region
Bacteria, UTI, Antimicrobial agentsAbstract
Background and objective: Urinary tract infection (UTI) defines as a condition in which the urinary tract is infected with a pathogen causing inflammation. UTI affects all age groups, but women are more susceptible than men, it is the second most common form of infection. This study was designed to isolation and identification of common uropathogenic bacteria and determining the sensitivity of infectious urinary isolated strains to different antimicrobial agents.
Methods: This study included 350 patients (125 males and 225 females) with sign and symptoms of UTI, who were referred to the Teaching Hospital in Erbil and Sulaimania cit-ies, from March till May 2007. Also, 25 healthy individuals were included in the study as a control group. Api tests and several biochemical tests were used for identification different isolated bacteria from UT.
Results: The bacterial cultivations revealed positive results for 119 (34%) urine speci-mens, 56 (47.05 %) in males and 63 (52.94 %) in females compared to control group (0%). The highest percentage of infection was observed in females in age group (20-39) years (44.44%). The highest rate of uropathogenic isolates was E. coli 53 (41.08%) fol-lowed by S. aureus, Proteus sp., Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter sp., and Pseudomonas sp. 23(17.82%), 23(17.82%), 11(8.52), 10(7.75) and 9(6.97) respectively. The uropathogenic bacterial isolates showed different susceptibility to antimicrobial agents, ciprofloxacine was the most efficient to inhibit UTI.
Conclusion: Incidence of UTIs in females is more than in males with a higher rate in the 20-39 years age group. E. coli was the commonest pathogenic bacteria isolated from uri-nary tract.
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Copyright (c) 2010 Rukia Al- Barzinji, Sazan E. Esmahil, Shukria S. Sulaiman, Shler Gh. Raheem (Author)

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