Evaluation of the importance of pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland anatomically in the surgical fields in Erbil
Thyroid gland, goiter, Pyramidal lobe, embriologyAbstract
Background and objective: Dealing with the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland was not principally and cautiously under run in the surgery of the thyroid gland as the other two lat-eral lobes formerly. For this reason, the present work planned to study the anatomy and histopathology of the pyramidal lobe and to evaluate the degree their significance in surgi-cal fields.
Methods: The study included patients' preparation for operation, recording age, gender distributions, and measurement of pyramidal lobe moreover to view of directions. Blood supply and histopathology of the pyramidal lobe investigated during thyroid operations of 113 patients in Rizgary teaching hospital in Erbil.
Results: Goiter patient's sex distributions were as the following; 94 (83%) female and 19 (17%) male. PL frequency was 61/ 113 case (74%); 50 (82%) females and 11(18%) males. pyramidal lobe directions were 21 directed right, in 40 cases to left. Arterial supplies of 34 cases were from a branch of the superior thyroid artery, in 27 cases were from isthmus. Venous drainage was joining venous plexus of the thyroid isthmus. Age distribution; fe-males were commonly affected at (25 to 45y). Males were (28-62y). Pyramidal lobe mean length was (3.2+ 1.8cm) and the width (1.6+ 0.7cm). Histopathologically; pyramidal lobe involved by principal thyroid lobes pathologies in 43 (71%) of the patients.
Conclusion: This study alert us that the pyramidal lobe mustbe managed as a principal lobe during operations, because It may be a source of pitfall during the operation or it may be a future source of mucinous carcinoma of thyroid.
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