Pattern of Contraception use among Women attending Family Planning Centers in Erbil City
(intrauterine contraceptive device) IUCD, (family planning) F.P, (combined oral contraceptive pill) COCPAbstract
Background and objective: Family planning program is one of the successful maternal and child health programs. This study aimed to find out the percentage of usage of dif-ferent types of contraceptive methods among women attending family planning centers to know the most preferable method among them .
Methods: A Cross sectional study was carried out on 400 women attending family plan-ning unit (FPU) in Erbil city ( from 1st of July 2008 to the 30th of September 2008. The variables included were, age, occupation , address, educational state, religion, socio-economic state, different contraceptive methods; Combined oral pill (COCP), intrauterine contraceptive device( IUCD), Depo-Provera injection, condom, the reason for choosing such methods, the different complications with uses of these methods, the number of live children.
Results: Among 400 women who attended ( FPU) 269( 67.25%) of them were at age (21-34), most of them prefer the use IUCD, condom, CCP, and lastly injection in a rate of : (36.55%),( 29.25%), (27.25%) and 2.5% respectively,( 53.75%) of cases significantly have complications with contraceptive uses specially IUCD (71.95%) , the most common complication associated with different contraceptive use was infection, then abnormal vaginal bleeding in a rate (46.04%),and (29.76%) respectively.
Conclusion: The present study revealed that majority of women who attend Family plan-ning units prefer to use IUCD, then condom, COCP, and lastly depo-provera injection, Most of study sample were exposed to infection, which indicated the need to promote health education in FP center through meeting session with them regularly.
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