Applications of Geographical Information System (GIS) in Planning of Health Services in Erbil City, Kurdistan Region
Generalized anxiety disorder, abuse, dependencyAbstract
Background and objective: Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system for solving complex planning and management problems. GIS provides an excellent means of visualizing and spatial analyzing health data. The aim of this study was to highlight the valuable uses of GIS in planning of health services in Erbil city.
Methods; This is a cross-sectional study, conducted in Erbil city during the period between (1/2/2009-1/5/2009). Data on number of health centers and hospitals, health manpower and health services of 2008 were collected & analyzed spatially and presented in appropriate maps, figures and tables. Health services data was linked to the population data for computing health indicators like doctor- population ratio and nurse -population ratio. Bed occupancy rate (BOR) and average patients stay for all hospitals of year 2008 is calculated and analyzed spatially.
Results: Total number of health centers(HCs) which provide all types of health services to the community were (15), (12) of them have one or more of these health services. There are (13) quarters without health centers. Most of physicians (80.6%) & assistant physicians (Medical assistants) (79%) are working in hospitals, while only (19.4%) of physicians & (21%) of medical assistant are working in HC. The highest number of doctor-population ratio was in (Shahid Najdee Haidar) HC (14588) while the lowest was in (Mala Afandi) HC (1635). Maximum bed occupancy rate was in (Hawler teaching) hospital (66.7%), while the minimum was in (Amal) Hospital (11%).
Conclusion: GIS is a promising tool for evaluating health facility distribution and planning of equitable distribution health services in Erbil city.
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