
  • Hamid G. Hasan Baghdad university, Ibn-Alhaitham hospital, Biochemistry department
  • Goran Hamid Mohammad Sulaimania university, College of science, Chemistry department


CAMP, Human urine


Background: Human cAMP was found to act as a 2nd.messenger responsible for intercellular effects. Its altered levels can exhibit a characteristic response to the metabolic behavior of the cell. Increases in cAMP levels were leads to a variety of responses, dependent on the nature of the target cell. This increases can diffuses to extracellular fluids and can be useful in diagnostic purposes.

Methods: Twenty four hours urine samples of the human leukemia patients (no.86) and normal healthy control were collected, these were includes male and female. 90 samples of healthy controlled were used for comparing data obtained. Levels of cAMP were determined in both groups. Identification of the purified cAMP peaks were achieves using UV, TLC and HPLC analysis.

Results: An elevation in purified cAMP levels were found to be of 15.87 � 2.4 �mole/24 hours and 20.13 � 0.881 �mole/24 hours of both Normal and leukaemic patient�s urine. Identification of the cAMP purified peaks were, reflects the following data: the Rf value of both groups was the same as compared with the standered cAMP used, the retention times of the cAMP peaks were the same, and the UV analysis in different PH values were the same.

Conclusion: Hormones that increase hepatic (glycogen) or renal (parathyroid hormone) cAMP bring about an increased level of the cyclic nucleotide in blood and urine, respectively. Although this may be useful for diagnostic purposes, extracellular cAMP has little or no biologic activity in mammals, several studies have demonstrated that determination of cAMP in 24 hour urine specimens might be useful for the clinical investigation of endocrine disorders, especially of the parathyroid [8-13] and thyroid gland [14,15 ]. The evaluation of leukaemic urinary cAMP found in this study can give an obvious idea about the metabolic behavior of abnormal cell proliferation.


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How to Cite

Hasan, H. G., & Mohammad, G. H. (2018). IDENTIFICATION OF ADENOSINE-3’, 5’-CYCLIC MONOPHOSPHATE PURUFIED FROM LEUKAEMIC HUMAN URINE. Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 14(3 Special), 82–89. Retrieved from



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