Management of miller class II gingival recession by laterally positioned pedicle flap revised technique
Gingival recession, Revised flap technique, Esthetic, Functional propertiesAbstract
Background and objective: Gingival recession is the apical migration of the gingival margin from its normal position on the crown of the tooth to the root apically beyond the cemento-enamel junction which can cause major functional and esthetical problems. It has been clinically related to higher incidence of root caries, attachment loss, hypersensitivity and esthetic related problems. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effective of a modification of surgical procedure to laterally repositioned flap for coverage of isolated recession.
Methods: A total of 25 patients with miller class II gingival recession attended the Department of Periodontology in the College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University for treatment of their problem. Their gingival recession about 2 to 5mm in the lower anterior teeth with shallow vestibule. After full preparation of patient which include scaling and polishing and root planning the laterally displaced revised flap technique were done. Patients were followed up in 2 week and 3 month interval to see the changes after treatment during this period. These parameter were taken pocket depth, clinical attachment loss and gingival recession which can be measured by the distance from CEJ to the base of pocket.
Result: In the recipient side, the mean gingival recession was about 3.2 mm at base line, after 2 weeks the mean gingival recession became 0.6mm and after 3 months it became 0.38mm. In the donor side, the mean gingival recession was 0 mm at base line. After 2 weeks the mean gingival recession became 1.05mm and after 3 months it became 0.5mm.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that laterally displaced revised flap technique in localized recession defects can be used to restore the esthetic and functional properties of labial gingiva of teeth by repairing gingival defect.
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