Sinus floor elevation procedure with immediate implant placement using artificial bone substitutes: a prospective clinical study
sinus lifting procedure, immediate implant, bone substitutesAbstract
Background and objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the clinical status of implants placed immediately in lifted maxillary sinus using Resorbable Tissue Replacement (R.T.R.) cone bone substitutes.
Methods: Twenty implants were placed in twenty patients in the period between Jan. 2006 and Sept. 2010. Lateral approach, open window method for sinus lift with placement of Resorbable Tissue Replacement Cone bone substitutes were carried out. A 4-6 mm of the bone level was required in the alveolar ridge for primary stability, with sufficient inter-arch space for the prosthesis. All implants were placed in upper molar region simultaneously with sinus lift procedure in conjunction with Tissue Replacement Cone bone substitutes. The implant survival was defined when the prosthesis had been delivered and followed for two years without infection, pain, and mobility after loading.
Results: Twenty patients, 13 males and 7 females, with an average age of 41 years old were participated in this study. A total of twenty implants were followed up for two years. Eighteen patients with eighteen implants (90.0%) showed no signs of sinusitis or other complications and the peri-implant health judged to be good with a peri-implant sulcus depth of 2-3mm. Two implants (10%) showed mobility before loading.
Conclusion: A good survival rate was observed in implants placed immediately in lifted maxillary sinus using Resorbable Tissue Replacement (R.T.R.) cone bone substitutes.
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