Gingival health status and oral hygiene among patients attending health centers aged (20-80) years in ERBIL city
plaque, calculus, gingiva, brushing, level of educationAbstract
Background and objectives: Aims of the present study were to investigate the gingival health status in different age groups of both genders in (300) subjects aged 20–80 years, also to fined the effect of the frequency of tooth brushing and education level on gingival health of adult population in Erbil city.
Methods: The examination was performed using plaque, gingival and calculus indices. The level of education and frequency of tooth brushing were reported.
Results: Demonstrated that ; the total mean for plaque(1.18) ,gingival (0.97) and calculus(0.19) scores were increased with increasing age with significant differences fore plaque (P-value =0.017) and calculus(P-value =0.00) score but with no significant difference for gingival score(P-value =0.31) . Males reported higher means than females for plaque and gingival score while male reported equal means with female for calculus with no significant differences. (P-value =0.41), (P-value =0.16), (P-value =0.82) respectively. The highest mean of plaque (1.68), gingival (1.43) and calculus (0.31) scores were seen related to non brushing group with significant differences between all groups.
(P-value =0.00)
The highest mean of plaque (1.45), gingival, (1.19) and calculus (0.23) scores, were seen related to illiterate level of education with significant differences between all groups.
(P-value =0.00)
Conclusion: Females reported less mean plaque score and more healthy gingiva than males. Gingival, plaque and calculus scores were increasing with age. Most of the of them needs increasing their level of education and oral health education.
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