The association between some salivary factors and dental caries in group of school children and adolescents in Erbil city
Dental caries, salivary flow rate, pH, saliva, microorganisms, oral hygieneAbstract
Background and objectives: The protective function of saliva against dental caries achieved through its physico-chemical properties The purpose of this comparative study was to evaluate the relationship between some risk factors such as salivary flow rate, pH, oral hygiene (plaque index), buffering capacity, salivary level of lacto bacilli, streptococcus mutans and candida, with dental caries also aimed to determining which salivary factors correlate significantly to dental caries experience in children and adolescents.
Methods: In this study, salivary factors were measured in resting saliva. Resting saliva was collected to determine flow rate, pH, buffering capacity, microorganism level of lactobacilli, streptococcus mutans and candida of (400) healthy school student, (200) children (6-12) years and (200) adolescents (13-16) years in twenty schools in Erbil city of different socioeconomic status. Their teeth were examined to measure the caries experience using decay, missing, and filled teeth index (DMFT), and oral hygiene (plaque index) level using (Silness and Loe 1964) method.
Results: The mean DMFT in children was (5.35), while the mean DMFT in adolescents was (5.54). The mean oral hygiene in children was scored (1.21), while the mean oral hygiene in adolescents was (1.19). The factors showing significant relation ship to dental caries in children were flow rate, pH, oral hygiene (plaque index), lactobacilli, streptococcus mutans and candida, while the salivary factors showing a significant relation ship to dental caries in adolescent were pH, oral hygiene and count of lactobacilli.
Conclusion:Evidence from the current research support a central role of the salivary flow rate, pH, oral hygiene, count of salivary streptococcus mutans, lactobacilli and candida albicans in the increasing of dental caries in children. While in adolescent there was relation between dental caries and salivary pH, oral hygiene and count of lactobacilli.
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