Evaluation of testosterone hormone and zinc Levels among infertile males in Kirkuk province/ Iraq
Male infertility, testosterone, serum and seminal plasma zincAbstract
Background and objectives: Male Infertility is often caused by problems with sperm production or motility. Zinc in human semen seems to play an important role in the physiology of spermatozoa .This study was designed to demonstrate the relationships between concentrations of zinc and testosterone in serum and seminal plasma and sperm quality among infertile men.
Methods: One hundred four infertile males, aged (19-44) years, were selected from Infertile Clinic-Azadi Teaching Hospital- Kirkuk Province. Forty known fertile males were selected as normospermic control group. Semen samples were analyzed according to WHO criteria. Serum and seminal plasma zinc concentrations were estimated by atomic absorption technique. Serum testosterone was measured by MiniVIDAS apparatus.
Results: The mean value of serum testosterone was significantly lower in infertile males (4.87±0.15 ng/ml) as compared to control group (6.41±0.16 ng/ml); (P< 0.01), significant correlations were observed between serum testosterone with seminal plasma zinc level in oligospermic subjects (r=0.44) and with serum zinc level in azoospermic subjects (r=0.37), (P< 0.01); (P< 0.05) respectively. Serum and seminal plasma zinc levels were lower in infertile men (7.75±0.18 µmol/L); (0.83±0.02 mmol/L) when compared with normospermic control group (14.09±0.27 µmol/L); (1.41±0.01 mmol/L) respectively (p<0.01),
Conclusion: Zinc may contribute to fertility through its positive effect on spermatogenesis. Also there was significant decrease in serum and seminal plasma zinc levels in oligospermic and azoospermic infertile males with significantly low androgen. It indicates that the zinc may have a role for steroidogenesis.
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