Assessment of heart rate variability in patients with chronic stable angina
Heart rate, stable anginaAbstract
Background and objectives: A prospective study performed in Ibn-Albitar hospital a tertiary center to assess the effect of ischemic heart disease on heart rate variability.
Methods: Thirty nine consecutive patients all with history of chronic stable angina &with positive treadmill test underwent 24 hours holter test to assess heart rate variability. Compared it with 25 age & sex matched control volunteer group.
Results: Thirty one (79.48%) male of patients group& 20 (80%) male of control group . heart rate variability expressed as (SDNN) standard deviation of normal to normal interval, (RMSSD) square root of the mean squared differences of successive normal to normal intervals& (pNN50) the proportion derived by dividing (NN50) the number of interval differences of successive normal to normal intervals greater than 50 milliseconds (ms.) by the total number of normal to normal intervals all were significantly lower in patients group.
Conclusion: This study showed that heart rate variability significantly lower in patients with chronic stable angina.
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