Association of certain sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of diabetic patients with quality of life
Diabetes, quality of life, Erbil- IraqAbstract
Background and objectives: Diabetes mellitus is a common and demanding health problem that has a great effect on everyday life of patients. This study was done to determine sociodemographic and clinical characteristics that affect the quality of life (QOL) of diabetic patients.
Methods: A total of 300 patients with diabetes mellitus in Erbil city were included in this study. The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100) questionnaire was applied for assessment of 6 domains of QOL using multiple regression analysis.
Results: Type of work and body weight were the most significant factors shown to affect diabetic patients QOL domains. Type of work was significantly affecting physical (P=0.006), psychological (0.004), level of independence (P<0.001) environmental (P=0.007) and spiritual (P=0.009) QOL domains. Duration of diabetes was significantly affecting physical (P=0.002), psychological (P=0.037) and level of independence (P<0.001) domains. Body weight was significantly affecting physical (P=0.039), psychological (P=0.012), level of independence (P=0.036), social relationships (P=0.022) and spiritual (P=0.030) QOL domains.
Conclusion: QOL had a variable significant association with certain socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of diabetics. There should be an emphasis on improving QOL of diabetics and consequently achieving better metabolic control.
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