Clinical study of cases with hyperthyroidism in Erbil Governorate, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
Hyperthyroidism, Thyrotoxicosis, Graves diseaseAbstract
Background and objectives: Thyrotoxicosis is a common and serious world-wide health problem, it’s one of the common problems in Erbil governorate.
Methods: Clinical analysis done for 675 patients proved to have thyrotoxicosis by thyroid function tests.
Results: Hyperthyroidism in females were 4 times more common than in males, the mean age was around 44 years, graves disease being the most common cause, followed by multinodular goiter, Iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis , single nodule goiter, T3-Thyrotoxicosis, then finally auto-immune lymphocytic thyroditis. Weight loss was the most common feature, followed by other well known features of autonomic hyperactivity, tremor was the most common sign reported while periodic paralysis was the least common sign.
Conclusion: Graves disease is the commonest cause of thyrotoxicosis. Iodinization of salt program resulted in transient increase and later on decrease of thyrotoxicosis in the region.
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