Sociodemographic factors of schizophrenia in Basra
Sociology, schizophrenia, Demographic factors, BasraAbstract
Background and objectives: Schizophrenia is the heartland of psychiatry and the core of its clinical practice. The onsets of schizophrenia characteristically occur between the ages of 15 and 45. There are minor sex differences in age of onset. Schizophrenia is over presented among people of lower social class. The relationship of birth order to schizophrenia has been controversial.
Methods: Eighty six schizophrenic patients who were admitted to psychiatric unit of Basra General Hospital, who met DSM-1V criteria for schizophrenia were included in this study. The data was obtained by personal interview from the patients and their accompanied relatives, after taking their consent, according to the following: age, sex, marital status, social class, season of birth and birth order.
Results: This study shows high male to female ratio. Two third of the patients were single and in younger age group. The study also shows high percentage of schizophrenic patients in upper and middle social class. The season of birth of schizophrenic patients were in spring and there is no much difference between first and last born.
Conclusion: There is certain factor, the young, single, season of birth … etc have special risk in developing schizophrenia and these should provide basis for further studies.
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