Nephroprotective effect of vitamin E and bismuth combinationation in-Patients treated with cisplatin chemotherapy
Cisplatin, Side effects, Protective agents, Oxidative stress, nephrototoxicityAbstract
Background and objectives: The objective of this study was to explore the optimal combination of agents with their doses used along with cisplatin for the protection of nephrototoxicity.
Method: This experiment was carried out on patients suffering from different types of solid tumors divided into two groups: control group receiving cisplatin in a dose of 90 mg/ m² and the studied group receiving cisplatin in a dose of 90 mg/m² with bismuth subcitrate (200mg/day) and vitamin E (400mg/day).Blood urea and serum creatinine were tested for the assessments of renal function.
Results: control patients showed a sustain and significant elevation in blood urea and serum creatinine level in comparison with baseline along the entire period of the study, P<0.05. Meanwhile, the effect of cisplatin was shown to be significantly decreased in patients received bismuth-vitamin E therapy (P<0.05) along the entire period of the study.
Conclusion: Bismuth and vitamin E in combination play a beneficial role for preventing cisplatin nephrototoxity. The potentiated actions for preventing cisplatin nephrototoxicity could be achieved via combined use of these agents.
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