Management of fingertip injury in Erbil, an evaluation study
Fingertip injury, Crush injury, graft, flapAbstract
Background and objective: Fingertip injuries are common. Out of the various available reconstructive options, one needs to select an option which achieves a painless fingertip with durable and sensate skin cover. The objective of this study was to find out the characteristics of patients, and to describe the methods of management and the proportions of complications.
Methods: A prospective study of 130 cases of fingertip injuries of patients managed from March 2009 to March 2011. The data were collected through using a questionnaire. Standardized photographs and radiographs were taken. Various reconstructive options were considered for the fingertip injuries .Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 17) was used for data entry and analysis.
Results: Crush injury (76 cases) was found to be the commonest mechanism of fingertip injury. Various reconstructive options were considered based on the preoperative evaluation. Ninety percent of reconstructions healed uneventfully. Few minor complications occurred which responded to conservative management.
Conclusion: A proper evaluation of fingertip defects is necessary to choose the best possible reconstructive option to achieve best result.
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