The influence of tobacco smoking on the enzyme activity of serum gamma glutamyl transferas (GGT)
Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT), smoking, liver diseaseAbstract
Background and objective: The gamma glutamyl transferase GGT is a cell-surface protein contributing to the extracellular catabolism of glutathione. The enzyme is produced in many tissues, but most GGT in serum is derived from the liver so that it is currently the most sensitive enzymatic indicator of liver disease. To evaluate the effect of smoking on liver diseases through assessing the enzyme activity of serum GGT.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from January to June 2012 by clinical analysis department in College of Pharmacy at Hawler Medical University on (30) individuals of smokers, and (30) non-smokers. Serum GGT activity was measured using enzymatic colorimetric method.
Results: The mean value of serum GGT activity was significantly higher in smokers (20.89 ± 6.79 IU/L) (Mean ± SD) than that of non-smokers (14.51 ± 6.46 IU/L) (Mean ± SD) (p<0.01).
Conclusion: Significant increased activity of GGT in smokers seems to support the harmful effects of cigarette smoking.
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