The effect of two finishing and polishing systems on the surface roughness of two composite resins
Nano composite, Hybrid composite, Finishing bur, Finishing discAbstract
Background and objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two finishing and polishing systems on the surface roughness of two different types of composite resins.
Methods: Fourty samples of 6 mm in diameter and 2 mm in depth were prepared, 2 types of composite resins were used (nanocomposite and hybrid composite resin). Twenty samples of each type of material were prepared and divided into two main groups and then each main group subdivided randomly into two subgroups of 10 samples each. Ten samples of each material were submitted to finishing by finishing disc. While the other 10 samples of each material were submitted to finishing by finishing bur. Both finishing systems were used with a slow-speed hand piece in a dry field and with a light intermittent pressure for about 15 seconds for each disc and bur. After storage of the samples for 48 hours; the analysis of the surface roughness was carried out, three readings were made on each surface using a stylus tip, and the extension of each reading was 2 mm stroke.
Results: There was non significant difference between the groups except there was a significant difference between the two finishing systems when used with hybrid composite.
Conclusion: Finishing discs gave best results on nano composite and hybrid composite when compared with finishing diamond bur, with highly significant effect on nano composite.
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