Physical problems among leukemic adolescent patients undergoing chemotherapy in Erbil city
Physical Problems, Leukemic Adolescent, ChemotherapyAbstract
Background and objective: Leukemia is a significant public health and life-threatening problem for pediatric cancer patients. Adolescents leukemic may face long periods of treatment; may describe the irritability, fatigue, bone pain, mouth ulcer, alopecia, and loss of appetite. The aim of the study was to assess the common physical problems among leukemic adolescent patients undergoing chemotherapy, and identify the association between their socio-demographic characteristics with physical problem.
Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in Nanakali Hospital for Blood Diseases / Erbil city from the period of /1st Nov. /2010 to/ 1st of Feb. /2011/. Eighty adolescent who are receiving chemotherapy in face to face interview, were selected regarding the study.
Results: The study shows that there were highly significant associations between socio-demographic characteristics with some of physical problems such as pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, and oral ulcer (mucositis).
Conclusion: The study shows that there were significant association between adolescent patient and some physical problems. The study recommends giving more support and attention by medical and nursing staff manage to reduce their physical problems.
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