Home care management among mothers having children with cerebral palsy in Erbil city
Home care, Management, Mother, Children, Cerebral palsyAbstract
Background and objective: Care for children with disabilities is often neglected and ignored. It tend not to be taken outside the home because of embarrassment and potential teasing and ridicule from others. Home care is the best way to provide daily care and management for children with chronic disabilities. This study was designed to assess the practices of mothers of children affected by cerebral palsy regarding home care management in Erbil city/Iraqi Kurdistan region.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out during the period from July 1, to September 1, 2012. A convenience sample was taken, involving 100 mothers whom weekly or monthly attended Helena Center for Handicapped Children for physiotherapy and medical managements.
Results: The results revealed that less than half of the mothers were between 24-30 years old, half of them were illiterate, most of them were living with low socioeconomic status, and more than half were living in urban areas. The highest percentage of cerebral palsy children were in toddler developmental stage, the majority complained of spastic type. The present study found that there was significant association between mothers’ age and dental/oral care. There was also significant association between socio-economic status with both of dental/oral care and child safety. There were highly significant association between ages of cerebral palsy children with maintained oral care and hygiene, nutrition, hydration care and constipation. There was significant association between types of cerebral palsy and communication.
Conclusion: The finding of the study refers that the mothers having cerebral palsy child, complained of inadequate skills concerning home care management, and the study recommends a comprehensive health education program for mothers having cerebral palsy child.
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