Prevalence and risk factors of post partum depression in a sample of women in Basrah
Post-partum depression, Prevalence, Risk factors, BasrahAbstract
Background and objective: Post partum depression is considered an important public health concern worldwide with its negative impact on mothers and children. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of post partum depression among women in Basrah.
Methods: Data were collected by interviewing women 8-12 weeks post partum using a questionnaire including information on socio-demographic and prenatal, natal and postnatal medical history. Postpartum depression was assessed using an Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.
Results: A total of 302 women were included in the study. The prevalence of postnatal depressive symptoms was 31.5%. The results showed no significant relationships between depression symptoms and education, occupation, monthly income and parity, while several obstetric and psychosocial variables were significantly associated with postnatal depression. On multiple regression analysis, history of depressive symptoms, anaemia during pregnancy, exposure to violence and relationship with mother or daughter in law remained significant factors (P <0.001)
Conclusion: A substantial number of women in Basrah showed postpartum depression. Further research is required to affirm these determinations.
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