The sitting posture of medical college students during examination period
Posture, Students, Medical, Exam, SittingAbstract
Background and objective: The posture during sitting has an impact on the incidence of back pain. In this study, an observation of the sitting posture among the medical students during examination period was studied.
Methods: Seventy seven students (F:M, 47:30) with a mean age of 23 years were involved. The type of the seat, height, weight of student, incidence of back pain, sports activities, gender and hand dominancy, in addition to the different types of posture were studied.
Results: Three types of posture were identified; straight, curved with contact to the back of the seat and curved without contact to the back of the seat. Neck side tilt was also observed. It was noticed that, short statured students sit straighter; however neck tilt was commoner in the left handed students. The majority of students adopt unhealthy sitting posture.
Conclusion: Attention has to be paid to the types of the seats made available to students. Seats with adjustable height and a design where there is a curve in the seat accommodating the pelvis would be helpful. Special seats for the left handed should be available. Education and sports activities should be highlighted.
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