Prevalence of social phobia among high school students in Erbil, Kurdistan region
Prevalence, Social phobia, Schools, StudentsAbstract
Background and objective: Kurdistan represents a model of the challenging mental health needs of adolescents in conflict-affected, low-income countries. Long-term instability, post-traumatic stress disorder, violent conflict, and wars undermine health and mental health status of people in Kurdistan, particularly children, who form half its population. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of social phobia among high school student in secondary schools.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out during the period from January 2nd to June 30th, 2014. Study participants were 1000 students recruited from 7 preparatory schools.
Results: The social phobia inventory (SPIN) revealed that 31.25% of the study sample showed symptoms of social phobia. There were no differences of social phobia among the ages of students. The rate of social phobia was higher in males than females with the mean score of 33.67 and 30.52, respectively.
Conclusion: The findings of the study refer that most of the students in the preparatory school indicate symptoms of social phobia.
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